Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Black & Blue Weekend

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Jeff Z., Dave's oldest friend and year-round Thornville resident, is currently obsessed with blackberries and blackberry cobbler.  Therefore, Dave is now obsessed with blackberry cobblers, asking me incessantly if I can make one for dessert.

My go-to recipe this season is a blueberry crumble recipe in Cook's Illustrated Cooking for Two (2009).  It's quick, delicious and just plain easy.  So having bought a quart of blackberries at the Worthington Farmer's Market, Dave got a Black & Blue Crumble for dessert on Saturday.

Blackberries + Blueberries = Black & Blue Crumble
And yes, that is homemade ice cream....

The black and blue theme continued to Sunday morning.  Using a leftover loaf of sourdough bread, I made french toast with fresh blueberries and blackberry sauce.


Thanks to Jeff Z. Dave is enjoying a summer of blue fruit recipes (and sausages....some deal they "cooked up" a few months ago.)


  1. Your blackberry recipes look fabulous! Best part is that as the seasons change, you can reuse the recipes with in season fruit. Awesome post.

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