Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bobber Hunting

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dave and I created a new sport this past weekend - bobber hunting. Although Dave usually picks up one or two stray bobbers each weekend, we actually decided to spend the beautiful afternoon hunting for stray fishing bobbers along the shores of Buckeye Lake.
An example of a stray bobber.
Last weekend I sustained an injury attempting to retrieve one of these stray bobbers.  Dave felt bad and decided to provide me with a retrieval tool:
His best golf ball retriever!
It actually worked well for round bobbers. Not so great however for oblong bobbers as the tended to fall through the sides. Never the less, it was a great help for those instances when we couldn't get close enough to the bank.

We had a very fruitful afternoon netting a total of 7 bobbers:
The days booty!!
If you ever visit our house be sure to check out Dave's growing collection of Buckeye Lake bobbers!!


  1. I like it.. it's unusual, it's creative, it's colorful, it's definitely you and Dave! I'm glad to see you doing something productive with your weekends!

  2. Ha! Buckeye Lake Bobber Hunting....Now that is a cool sport!
